Tuesday, January 18, 2011

34 Year Old Billy Beer

Last Saturday I decided to stop at my Grandmothers for lunch. As she enjoys drinking Budweiser out of 6oz cans, I was excited to tell her how I started a blog on beer! While telling her the details of my blog she started laughing and told me, "That's stupid," which definately not an expected response. She did ask me if I wanted the 6 pack of Billy Beer in her basement, which I could remember being down since I was litte. The beer was named after Billy Carter (a known drinker), who was the brother of former president Jimmy Carter. Looking at the beer can and realizing this beer was brewed in 1976 I couldn't imagine it tasting good. Even if I were to get this beer ice cold, I doubt I would drink it. Then again, if I was drinking and ran out of beer I might have no choice.


  1. Wow!! Billy Beer.... Now that's a classic.. right up there with the Ford Pinto!! Could have been a challenge to down a can of that stuff.. Yikes!! Beware the Billy Beer!

  2. Classic or not. I can't imagine it tasting too good
